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Hello! I am Vassya.

Welcome to Vivid Key, my blog.

The place where life needs no explanations; where things happen just as intended by the Universe. ​

Since June 2019 Life gave us a homeless and unemployed period of life on the roads of the world. After our wedding on 27th July 2019, Nic and I set off on a nomad journey - according to the plan in Australia and Southeast Asia.  

Here you can follow the development of those dreams and the lesson we learn. You will see how we stick to a vegan, zero waste and minimalist lifestyle on the completely unfamiliar corners of the world. Concepts that face much misunderstanding but make us happy due to their minimal negative influence on the Planet and on us. 

Now we are back in Europe but that doesn't mean we will discover less or dream with limits. New interests and topics are always in our heads and here is the places where I will continue to share and create with courage and determination.

Stay Vivid,



  1. Perceived as bright and distinct; brilliant

  2. Having intensely bright colours

  3. Presented in clear and striking manner.

  4. Perceived or felt with the freshness of immediate experience

  5. Active in forming lifelike images

Vivid Key

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